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zaterdag 12 mei 2012

Day 30: The reason you are still a Sims fan today

Because the sims 3 is really cool and I actually like it xD! No it's just... Idk. I think those kind of games attract me :o
Thank you for reading the whole journey :3 If you would like to do this yourself:

Happy simming :3
(Probably going to post stuff soon)

Day 29: The reason you started playing Sims in the beginning

I was bored I think, then my mom bought me the sims so I started playing but I didn't like it so then the sims 2 came out and that's where my collecting thing began xD

Day 28: An expansion pack you wish EA would make

Well this is a hard one.. Maybe one that gives you sickness and death by sickness? but then again that would be so sad if your favorite sim got it! :o Mmhz.. Maybe a thing where you can sew people and get them to jail because they are criminals or when you want to divorce you can do that so you have split rights over the stuff you had with your husband/wife and that the children would go a week at dad's and a week at mom's? I would like that :o 

Day 27: The cheat you use most commonly and a cheat you rarely/never use

I mostly use motherlode and testingcheatsenabled true/false. The cheat I almost never use is freerealestate. 

Day 26: Favorite place to download Sims custom content

Custom content you say? Well I go to allot of sites but to navigate and to get the best stuff I use :3

Day 25: Something that happens in Sims you wish happened in real life

I wish we're able to become a vampire! :o And cure ofcourse if you were done with it xd

dinsdag 8 mei 2012

Lazy thing I am ._.

So guysss xo Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ;$ I'm very busy so I didn't get the time to post anything. This weekend I PROMISE ;$

vrijdag 4 mei 2012